Here is the domtodom player profile on MadLotto and his Gifts won or the Gifts he played for: Protection Spielen Rescue Escape Ramp For Chipmunk Turtle Duck Frog Rescue Ramp For - Games

Last lottery draw  15 16 24 25 35 36  : Winners : 588 

Profile of domtodom
 18  3  0  15,19%  Member This corresponds to the Status of the Profile consulted on the Forum: Member (your messages must be validated by the administrator to be visible), Top Posteur (your messages are automatically validated), Moderator and finally Administrator.  New Player This corresponds to the rank the Profile consulted on the Forum : New Player : less than 5 written messages - Amateur : between 6 and 15 - Confirmed : between 16 and 30 - Expert : between 31 and 50 - Vizier : between 51 and 75 - Grand Vizir : between 76 and 150 - Calife : between 151 and 200 - Grand Calife : more than 200 written messages
Here are the Messages that this Member posted on the wall
domtodom Coucou les amis ! Je ne parviens pas à trouver le jeu correspondant à " allez au charbon", enfin un truc dans ce genre là sur quo ! Je suis certaine que vous avez la réponse 😉 Je suis toute ouie ! Et belle journée à vous...
katyk  Arabesque
20/07/2016 12:07:27
domtodom  Je revenais juste dire que j’avais trouvé un smiley sur Arabesque par hasard. Et c’est bien ça Katyk ! Merci tout plein pour ta réponse ! Je confirme.
20/07/2016 12:09:48

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