Player djlc01 posted a message on 19/03 05:48 on the MadLotto Forum: Are you a real being, or just a dream (acrostic). Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Are you a real being, or just a dream (acrostic)
19/03/2015 05:48:24

Here is a little acrostic for the amateurs.... I hope you will like it.

Are you a real being, or just a dream
If you want, I can always pass the sponge You
can ignore my heart which this gnawed away You

will forever be free of all your choices Unique
and perfect you inspire faith A being like you, will be much too pampered No one

are the greatest of all beauty
Rich and poor despite everything that has happened In
this world that has crumbled over time Real, that's

all our senses can say Listen to the
nature that is taking it away and see
how hard it is to green up again Will
you let it go again, in the distance?

Where will you finally find the solution?
A rarity that this

Simple perfection, but formed of so much unpredictable complexity
, but you have given us everything
Magic for certain well-cultivated
people Phenomenal, you leave us mouth blessed
Clear is this water from which you have watered us
Epic is the destiny that thewe've traced your path

Think a little bit about this polluted
future We seem to think you'd really like to kill
her Nas-did you learn anything from what she gave us? Keep
your words if you can't respect her And don't come back
before what you've forgiven yourself

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