Player sido1 posted a message on 18/06 02:38 on the MadLotto Forum: there is something wrong. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

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Subject :  there is something wrong
19/06/2006 20:24:04

Hello Sido!

As you can see, I want to be a nice kind soul...
but we're going to need a little more details to help you!

You should tell us exactly what happens when you try to Play! 🤪 If you

can also tell us:

_ if you encounter the problem on All Games
_ which browser you use
_ which anti pop up is installed
_ what is the color of your mouse (I only joke about this! 😀) it

will be even better!

The Web'!

18/06/2006 02:38:27

Here, I can activate the pop-ups, press the Ctrl key or update, there's nothing to do I can't Play anymore and it's not very cool:-(.
Moreover, nobody seems to want to give me a hand (maybe for lack of time?) so if a good soul could help me out, it would be very nice:).
Thank you all.

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