Player yvan974 posted a message on 08/04 12:41 on the MadLotto Forum: unavailable games. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

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Subject :  unavailable games
15/04/2008 20:58:51

WebMaster wrote:
Hello to all

our games actually have a compatibility problem with the brand new version of Flash.
We are actively working to correct this problem as soon as possible.

In the meantime we thank you for your patience...and please avoid downloading this new version of Flash for the moment!

The Web'

ah bah that's why it doesn't work either at do I find a previous version of Flash so I can
Rounds my Rounds? 🤔

15/04/2008 17:54:45

Hello to all

our games actually have a compatibility problem with the brand new version of Flash.
We are actively working to correct this problem as soon as possible.

In the meantime we thank you for your patience...and please avoid downloading this new version of Flash for the moment!

The Web'.

12/04/2008 21:24:42

/me is waiting for an answer with impatience... because same concerns 🙁 Everything

was fine until 2 days ago: installation of the new Flash player (V9) 🎤

12/04/2008 15:44:02

I unfortunately have no answer to give you but I too, for the last few days, I've been having the same problem and it's painful...
The connection to the server does not take place and the message "Please wait" persists.... But nothing is happening.
There's a big technical problem obviously!
What is the webmaster doing?!!!

12/04/2008 11:34:38

I have the same error, a few days ago I made an update of the Flash player the problem comes from there?

11/04/2008 22:38:01

hello everyone,

hello yvan,

the same concern disturbs me,
does anyone have an idea about the "why of the how":

- 2 days ago, with an old Adobe Flash player: I play without worries on MadWin 😂 -

today, after being warned that security flaws had been discovered in this player I go to the official site of the publisher (Adobe), I download the latest version, Flash player 9, everything goes well, an animation informs me that everything is correctly installed...

BUT... arrived on MadWin, with each game I launch I always have this message informing me that a too long wait comes from an error and advice to restart the game...
restarted 10 times, changed game to test: No better! 🤕

After advice, I uninstall this flash player, using the official uninstaller provided on Adobe, I restart my pc, clean the temporary files and the cache of my browser... and I go back to install online on Adobe again Flash player... nothing does... from this new player it is impossible for me to access the games 😢

11/04/2008 14:09:30

I also have the same problem since yesterday and I don't know how to fix it.

08/04/2008 12:41:12

Hello here I am new and my problem is that I can't Play... the page stays on please wait and the game never starts could you help me?
thank you in advance

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