Player webmaster posted a message on 22/06 13:59 on the MadLotto Forum: Information: Technical assistance!. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players - Page 4

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Subject :  Information: Technical assistance!
19 years ago

jpgs wrote: : this is the second
time I've tried to post answers to topics but unfortunately I never get to see them. the last
one was posted this morning at 8:45 am, the topic displays that there was an answer at that time but nothing appears.
however I activated my profile before I started posting.
moreover this morning I only had 2 free games instead of the usual 15 😈 I
t help you because I don't know anything about info but I too have all these pbl .
1-white page, I can't Play
anymore 2- some days I have 2 Rounds instead of 15
3 - which is better, at the beginning, I had 38 Rounds it was cool, that day.

But today I still have this blank page and I don't know what to do: please help us


19 years ago

I've tried to post answers to topics twice but unfortunately I never get to see them.
the latest one was posted this morning at 8:45 am, the topic displays that there was an answer at that time but nothing appears.
however I activated my profile well before starting to post.
moreover this morning I only had 2 free games instead of the usual 15 😈

19 years ago

WebMaster wrote: I notice that
some of you have some little problems with our friends the computers.....

If you don't know how to clear your cache, destroy your cookies, etc....
You, whose game pop-up remains white, or black, you who can't log out...... Post here!!!! ...

I'm sure some good souls will share their knowledge with you!

The Web'!

Male Webi, I clear the cache etc. every day, but the site is slow... very slow 🙁

19 years ago

itiia wrote: ! thank you big

I didn't understand that.... 😀 that was ironic??? !!!!
And my nickname is "Joujou" by the way! "Great Vizier" is my status on the forum.... 😂

19 years ago

Thank you, great vizier!!!!!!

19 years ago

I would like to be a "good soul", but I have no answers to your questions, since I have never had these technical problems...
We hope that someone else will help you....

19 years ago

Hi everyone. 🙋 I really hope

that a "good soul".... who knows a lot more about computers than I do can help me Help for a good ten days now I can no longer play Play.... In this case, the game Booling (but it's exactly the same for all the other free games).

So, for several days now, when I click on Booling, the window opens correctly but the page remains blank, there is just the ad at the top of this page that is active.

For the record, but maybe it has nothing to do with it, I can Confirm my grid for the daily lottery (whose name I can't remember).

I really thank the people who will be able to Help me because I have contacted customer service several times, but apart from crediting me 50 points for compensation each time, no solution has been proposed to me!

19 years ago

In any case, I haven't been able to Play for almost 2 weeks now, impossible I tried everything, nothing did. Pop up game remains black. Greetings Gitti

19 years ago

Hi Grand vizir👏 I
haven't been able to play Play same way as the others for a week now. Blank pages appear when I click on the game. However, I cleared the cache, I got rid of cookies, etc... and nothing works. At secours🙋🙋

19 years ago

I notice that some of you have some little problems with our friends the computers.....

If you don't know how to clear your cache, destroy your cookies, etc....
You, whose game pop-up remains white, or black, you who can't log out...... Post here!!!! ...

I'm sure some good souls will share their knowledge with you!

The Web'!

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