Player webmaster posted a message on 22/06 13:59 on the MadLotto Forum: Information: Technical assistance!. Answer him on MadLotto and exchange with other players

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Subject :  Information: Technical assistance!
21/11/2015 16:23:04

Hello everyone,
Can we Play MadWin on a tablet? Because I can't play the games with it.
Thank you. Thank you.

16/11/2015 12:36:36


Thank you for your answers, yesterday, no problem, fluid game, but today it starts again....
What I don't understand is that I can navigate normally on all the other sites and on the whole web so it's well linked to MadWin.
Have a good day to you.

12/11/2015 17:42:18

I'm in the same case as KIKUK, especially on quo verbis
I tried all the possible browsers, I borrowed a more powerful computer to see, I only had a slight improvement

either it comes from the sites, or it comes from the FAI '?

12/11/2015 16:36:57

Hello KIKUK,

I'm really sorry for these slowdowns 🙁 I'm

checking with the technical team to see what we can do for you!

"The Web

12/11/2015 12:44:31


For several weeks now, I have had big slowing problems on MadWin. 🙁 I've
been playing for several years, I've never had a problem, but right now it's really hard.
I play on the success of the Pf cartenstein and I have no fluidity, the cards go down by a stroke or are blocked outright.
I of course, emptied cache cookies, made a CC cleaner but nothing works.
I tried to connect at different times of the day, but nothing changes.
The first Round is about right (no more) but then it gets done. Very difficult or even impossible to Play.
I play under firefox, I tried google chrome and internet explorer, it's the same.
Even to make this message, I made a copy/paste of the notepad because live, it takes a long time to write.
I have no problems on the other sites, so I really don't understand.
If someone could help me, that would be nice.
Thank you and have a good day.

30/11/2014 20:05:56

Good evening, at home I have an old computer and a laptop, I used to play on both computers without any worries. However, since yesterday, it has been impossible to Play on the mobile as well on MadWin, CadoVillage and QuoVerbis. I open my page, I don't have the games that appear, I click in game, I select a game, the game opens, I click on Play, and then I go to the 2nd page but the game doesn't load. I cleared theaccount history, the cookies, but my problem is not solved. If someone has the solution, thank you in advance, my old computer is not moving forward to Play

15/09/2014 22:09:58

it depends on your browser
with google chrome, you go to account history, delete the navigation data, it clears theaccount history and clears the cache

09/09/2014 20:01:21

How do we "clear the cache"? Thank you for your answer.

05/12/2012 10:12:10

Still not compatible to Play on iPad!
Too bad...

29/09/2012 10:48:50

Today I can't Play because I don't have any weird Round 😥

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