MadLotto Community
zannana 52 days in this game site ^^

lalili59 2005 days

yamzi hello, and so, what do you think?

lalili59 always faithful: but less and less motivating !!! given the changes made recently ......

yamzi when we see the novelty "super loser" instead of "challenges", there is indeed cause for concern

lalili59 what's going on yamzi? always faithful to yam, mdr

lalili59 what's going on yamzi? always faithful to yam, mdr

yamzi Good evening Lalili59, to make the points, I go through the square of the fool who brings on average 700 pts. It is better than "cache batch" that really hides his lots and gives an average of 220 points !!!! if you do not discover the loot. And what's more, tired of reading "box already played"

sablonais 505 days for my part, good evening to all madwin fanatics

lalili59 like our sablo !!!

lalili59 ROFL LOL

sablonais Good evening lalili, what a pleasure to read you! Yes, I make a stealthy passage on the wall. It changed in a short time ..... weird, strange

lalili59 Odd, you said weird, how weird ...

sablonais it's even very strange lol

lalili59 yes very strange, lol

sablonais I would say even more, appalling !!


misticlover I agree: dismaying ... LOL also 🙂 it changes lol

lalili59 HELLO MISTIC, kisses of the lili

misticlover 🙂

zannana 🙂

zannana 🙂

lalili59 🙂

misticlover 🙂